We’re All Optimists

December 16, 2017 by Jeann @ Happy Indulgence | Chatterbox, Features

Optimism. I have been thinking a lot lately about our attitude to life and how this affects us in reading and blogging.

I recently read an article about how people who are always late (such as myself), tend to have a warped sense of time because they believe they can achieve more in the time that they have.

This article actually revealed more about myself than I’ve come to realise. And it permeates every aspect of my life.

For those who personally know me, you’d know that I’m a meticulous planner. I like to plan out my tasks of the day, whether it’s at work, at home or when it comes to blogging. Very rarely do I accomplish this detailed tasklist, but when I do I feel a massive sense of achievement.

My 2017 Blogging Goals

Same thing when it comes to blogging. On any given year, I could be wanting to achieve:

  • Read 100 books in a year (where I also happened to organise a wedding, 3 week honeymoon and was on a massive project at work)
  • Increase my instagram, youtube channel and blog followings
  • Post on my blog at once once a week, my youtube channel at least twice a week and on instagram everyday (how do I even have time to eat or sleep?)
  • Read all the ARCs that I receive (never mind that this number can be anywhere from 2 to 20 a month!)
  • Network more, go to every book event and maybe even host my own! (no Jeann you’ve got YOUR OWN wedding to plan)
  • Write and finish my own book (which I have no idea how to do!)
  • Be part of all the bookish conversations on Twitter (even though they mostly happen when I am sleeping).

Does anyone see what I mean when it comes to a warped sense of time (and maybe reality) when it comes to blogging and reading?

Looking Back

As the year has almost ended and I look back at these goals that I’ve set for myself at the start of the year, I realise I MAY have been a tad too optimistic when it came to them.

The fact of the matter is, no matter how much we read, how much we blogged, or how much we achieved what we set out to at the start of the year, we have achieved more than we ever would’ve without them. While goal setting is important, I think taking a step back and recognising how far you’ve come is almost, if not even more important.

Now, to roll over the goals for next year….

Are you an optimist when it comes to blogging? How did you go with your blogging goals this year?

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Jeann is an Aussie YA blogger and mum who loves to read and recommend books! You can usually find me fangirling about books on my various social media channels including Tiktok@happyindulgence, Instagram and Youtube.

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14 responses to “We’re All Optimists

  1. Such a good point about being proud of what you DID accomplish- because you definitely accomplished a lot! I am definitely not an optimist in ANY aspect of my life, and that includes blogging, but I do set goals and get all kinds of competitive with myself if I don’t achieve them. That is why my only real 2017 goal was to do “whatever the hell I want”. And I mean, it worked! My blog has been quieter, but I have been less stressed with blogging, so I am saying it’s a win!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Sometimes I Watch ShowsMy Profile

  2. I don’t even remember my blogging goals for 2017, whoops. But I guess you could say that I am…kind of an optimist for my blog? I don’t know, I don’t really care haha. I know I definitely view myself as having more time to do things than I actually do though! But doesn’t seem to affect my optimism, unfortunately!
    Valerie recently posted…No Review Required (Reads From My Laptop?)My Profile

  3. OH this is such a great post, Jeann! I am just like you, in the sense that I love planning things and just trying my best to get through everything in the little time that I have. Funny how time always seems to disappear whenever we’re trying to reach these little goals and end of lists, though, right? 🙂
    You are so right, I think it’s so important that, even if we didn’t make it and suceeded at all of our goals, at least we tried our best to get close to them and that’s what matters 🙂
    Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted…Review: Words in Deep Blue, Cath CrowleyMy Profile

    • I know, I was so stressed out at the end of the year, possibly because I had set such unrealistic goals for myself (just look at that goodreads challenge haha) at the start of the year. Funny how a new year brings back so many more possibilities!

  4. I really love this! I LOVE setting goals but I guess there’s a huge temptation to view yourself as a “failure” if you don’t meet them? But like you said: any working towards a goal is still work and it means something!! (Also the amount you’ve done this year is INCREDIBLE so I just clap for you!!) I’ve ended up reading more books this year than last which is nice and I definitely outdid myself with writing. But I do feel I didn’t work very hard on my blog so maybe that can be a goal next year?! Do something to liven it up? AGh how is it like 2 weeks until next year I’m not reeeeeady.
    Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…I Answer My Blog’s Search Term Results (With So Much Salt It’s Like A Cooking Class)My Profile

    • Yesssss I mean it’s all subjective isn’t it? Thank you so much Cait, I was so stressed out haha but now I’m super chill seeing as its 2018. See how long it lasts lol. I’m so proud of you with the reading and writing and everything! DUDE YOU ARE HAVING A NEW BOOK OUT

  5. Yes, you’re totally right—even if you *didn’t* complete all your goals, it’s so important to be proud of what you HAVE done. This year, I didn’t make any blogging goals. I didn’t blog as much as I have in the previous years, but instead focused more on quality than quantity. (Not that I’m trying to imply that if someone posts frequently, their posts aren’t quality or anything!) But for me, I needed to take a step back and consider WHAT I wanted to do with my blog. I wanted to focus more on the books I DID enjoy, instead of books I didn’t, and I love sharing writing-related posts, too.

    Great post, Jeann! 🙂
    Kara recently posted…2017 Writing Goals… How did I go? (+ What I Hope to Accomplish in 2018!)My Profile

    • Quality over quantity is definitely a focus for me this year as well! I think we learn after getting into reading slumps and reading so many review copies that we’re not really that interested in. I love your writing posts too Kara!

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